Monday, January 31, 2011

Week'END' Literature

  After a great time at Grace's party, we settled down at home with a few hours of TV and some dinner.  We ended our night with a few books from the library.  They included:

Adrianna is really loving these stories of Knuffle Bunny, as am I. : 

Gavin is also sticking to his scary stories with:  

"It's in the Blood"

    I was never given a middle name, but sometimes I do believe that it should of been "Competitor".  Although I can remember quite a few times being referred to as, "Sore Loser".

   Sunday ended our great week with a stop by our dear friend Grace's 4th birthday party.  Birthday parties are always a blast to our family.  Just another reason to get out of the house, and have some free fun with other kids.  Plus I always have a good time with my friends Rachel and Kimmy.  I still can't believe that we use to go to school together, and now we're meeting up for birthday parties, and play dates.  Wow, how time flies.
    Gavin seemed to be the life of the party.  He always has crazy, smart remarks that seem to get the men in the house cracking up with laughter.  One of the highlights of this day had to of been Musical Chairs.  Gavin got a kick out of it.  He loved the fact that he could beat every other kid to a chair when the tunes stopped. 

    My 'little diva' didn't quite get the concept of this particular game, and after round three she found herself spinning in circles looking for a chair.  When she noticed there were no more seats...
    She had a little meltdown.   She began to cry and stomp her shiny, sliver ballet shoes across the living room to sit in the chair next to me.  She then felt the need to loudly announce, "THAT GAME IS SOOOO BORING, ANYWAYS!"  (Of course this reminded me of my childhood.)  I, somewhat, understood where she was coming from.  Being brought up in a competitive family, myself, I always HATED to loose!  I can  even recall a meltdown, or two.
  But as a mommy, and guest at the party, I explained to her that everyone gets a turn at winning, and it's okay to lose sometimes.  It was at that very moment that a young boy named Noah had forfeited his seat, and decided that he didn't want to play.  He'd rather sit with his mother and watch the kids.  So the 'musical chair organizer' gave Adrianna her 1UP!  And she was invited back into the game, to take little Noah's spot.
   She immediately jumped at the chance.  She ran back to the game with such excitement and a loud, "YES! I LOVE THIS GAME!"

    The tune of 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' started the next round of this  exciting sport.  And Adrianna led the other children around the chairs.  Her face was gleaming with excitement and a little anticipation.  She got around them cute kiddy chairs twice when the music stopped...
    Everyone ran for a chair, including my SEVEN year old son who dashed so quickly to his chair that it completely flipped backwards.  We all began to laugh, and he shouted, "I got it!....I told you guys I was gonna win another round!"  All the other children looked around to see who didn't get a chair.  And, low and behold, it was my little diva.

    She puckered her lip, and, once again, stomped her way to the seat next to me.  What luck.  I didn't think it was even possible to lose two rounds in a row.  She crossed her arms, as I held in my laughter, and said, "I wish we could just move on to the pinata already!"

    The final round of musical chairs included my 'trash talking' seven year old, and another little blonde boy who still had no real clue of what this game was all about.  Before the round had even started I gave my son 'THE LOOK' and mouthed to him 'Don't Push Him'.  When the music started he began to dance Egyptian style around the single chair.  The other little guy had to be guided in the right direction.  Then the music came to an abrupt halt.
  Gavin bolted to the chair and sat.  He threw his arms in the air and yelled in excitement, "BOO-YAH BABY!....I GOT IT!...I KNEW IT!"  Then he pointed to the older guys in the room and said, "See? I told you guys that I was gonna win!" "YES!"
   The other boy still stood there with his finger in his mouth, he hadn't had a clue of what was going on.

   It was then that I said, sarcastically, "Well, congratulations Gavin!  You beat a bunch of three and four year olds!"  He shrugged his shoulders and agreed, "I knew I was gonna win....What's my prize?!" <3


Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Friday! Another Week Down ♥

  Okay.  Now are we the only ones break dancing to this song right now?? Seriously, as I type, the kids are rolling around on the floor to this song.  Not to mention, this is the song that makes my baby girl's "ballet shoes feel happy", and a new tune I'm running to in the gym.
   Tonight's agenda will be a great one, being so close to payday, we are running a little low on cash.  So as a prior recommendation to other military mommies in the same boat, we hit up our local library. And decided to have a wonderful family movie night with popcorn and pjs, and it only cost me $1.00.  We checked out two great movies: 

Adrianna's pick (and a new  movie to us.):
And,of course, Gavin's pick...(which we decided to add a $1.00 bag of gummy worms to):
   Hope you all have a great weekend. <3

Thursday, January 27, 2011

♥Monster Mama♥

     Another thing I would recommend to parents during deployments are play dates!! They are always fun, and they keep your kids occupied while you are doing things around the house.

    Today is our scheduled play date with our good little friend, Grace.  Grace comes to visit us on the Tuesday and Thursdays while her mother takes a course at the local college.  For months my daughter had been complaining that she needed friends.  So when my friend was in a bind for a sitter, I quickly jumped for the opportunity to unite my daughter with her very first friend.

    Things went wonderfully the first few visits, but recently Adrianna has turned up her diva mode...just a notch.

   We welcomed Grace with open arms as usual, and decided that we would make today a tea party day.  So we brought down the dress up trunk and began to doll ourselves up with make up and pretty accessories.  Grace dressed as Tinkerbell, and after what seemed to be the longest decision ever made, my daughter chose to pair  her elegant turquoise dress with her dazzling, pink, fuzzy high heels.

   The party was  going great, until I decided to add cookies!  These particular cookies had cute little Valentine pictures and quotes, which, of course, caused them to argue over the 'Puppy Love' one.  Yes, one.  It just so happened it was the last cookie in the bunch with the cute little puppy. Ugh. Naturally, I explained to my daughter to be a good host and give it to our guest.  But I never expected her to flip a lid! 

    She cried, and began to stomp her pretty pink heels.  And at that moment they had not looked as foofy as they did  just two minutes before.  Normally I'd just give her "the look" and she would quickly return to normal.  You know "the look"?  (The one your mother use to give you, as a warning, before she decided to smack you into the next week.)  But as smart as my daughter is, she just knew that I would NEVER do anything like that in front of a guest.  So she continued with her tantrum.
After a quick talking to, I explained to her how attitudes like that will cause her to lose friends.  She continued to cry.  Instead, I decided to take her out of the situation, and send her to her room, so that she could pull herself together.    She did.  
    When she returned to the tea party, I was surprised to see her dressed from head to toe in her BATGIRL costume.  She decided to rejoin Grace with some tea and cookies, and they began to speak of princesses, crowns, and pretty shoes.  Things turned for the better from there, and Grace left happy from our home once again.

   Afterwards, Adrianna began to take her mask and cape off.  It was then that I asked her why she didn't dress as a princess like Grace had.  She so innocently replied...
   "Because Batman fights the mean, bad, monsters ALL the time."  I went on to say, "Oh. Well, there are no mean, bad monsters in this house."  She says, "I know."  Then as she turns to walk up the stairs with her costume in hand she mumbles, "Well, you know mom, when you get mad at me you look like you have a mean dragon face."

  After that...the outfit made sense. <3  

        <3 <3

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

As I sit in silence, for once, my mind ponders to a subject that seems to come up in conversation every time I meet someone new.  "So, Do you work?"...Ugh.  The million dollar question.  On paper, no, I don't collect any legal tender for my 'job'.  But, really, I do consider what I do on a daily basis to be somewhat of a job.

So what is my job title?  The tax preparer referred to me as "home maker", but that title always has me picturing myself as Mrs. Cleaver.  Is it because I'm not bringing home the almighty dollar, that I feel as though people see me as, nothing more than a stay-at-home wifey?

   When we had our first child, I couldn't bear the idea of leaving him with anyone else.  I had seen too many hidden camera nanny videos on TV to scare me out of that idea.  Not only that, I also couldn't live with the fact that I would only see my child for about 3 hours before I was to tuck him, so peacefully, into bed, and begin the next day all over again.  So, together, my significant other and I decided that I would stay home and care for my own child.

   This mommy job is not as easy as Mrs. Cleaver made it seem to be.  I find myself ready to lock myself in the closet, from time to time, as Charlotte did in the famous Sex and the City 2 scene.  There is no manual to go by.  And I can't just leave it all behind after 5 o'clock.

         My Life begins every morning at 7 a.m.

  • Get showers warm and ready.
  • Lay out set of clothing for 2 kids.
  • Prepare Breakfast.
  • Brush their hair
  • Get Gavin's Lunch Made.
  • Bring in the laundry from the garage.
  • Transfer money in the bank account for my hubby overseas.
  • Clean up after Breakfast.
  • Remind my kids to brush their teeth, pick up laundry, and turn off all the lights upstairs.
  • Feed & Let the dogs out.
  • See Gavin off to school.
  • Prepare for gym.
  • Prepare Adrianna's gym bag.
  • Pick up kid's laundry and turn off all the lights upstairs.
  • Run for 6-7 miles.
  • On my way home pick up milk, eggs, and bread.
  • Fix Adrianna her lunch.
  • Shower the funk away.
  • Vacuum Dog Hair!!
  • Clean the Kitchen again.
  • Prepare dinner Menu.
  • Check email for hubby's updates.
  • Pick up Gavin from school.
  • Help w/ Homework.
  • Prepare Dinner
  • Clean Kitchen Again!
  • Family Time
  • Read Bedtime Stories.
  • Say Goodnight!
       My night usually turns to silence around 8:30 p.m.  This gives me time to check up on emails, and prepare for the next day.  So "Do you work?"........

        Let's just say, I'm a:  Butler, Maid, Chef, Hair Dresser, Styling Assistant, accountant, pet groomer, babysitter, athlete, errand runner, dry cleaner,care giver, secretary, chauffeur, and 'Giver of Life'.  But to my kids I'm known as....just mom. phew. What a day. <3

*!@# My Kids Say!

  This is something new I'm gonna be writing about.  The years of my children just seem to be flying behind me.  And on a daily basis they tend to say something that catches my ear.  So from time to time I will just jot down something that just so happen to catch my attention.

            While getting my daughter ready to join me at the gym, I had my ipod tunes blaring.  She has a large variety of shoes.  And on this day she wanted to sport her lovely, sparkling silver maryjanes.  As I was putting her hair into two braids, she is tapping her feet to the tune and says.....

                      "This Makes My Ballet Shoes Happy." <3

Monday, January 24, 2011

I Hear ya ♥

   On my way to the grocery store I decided to take my hubbie's F-150 out for a spin.  As I got into the car and turned on the radio this song was playing.  It was the last song that my hubby had put on the ipod.  And at the time, I thought he was replaying it entirely too much.  But today, it somehow spoke to me, and it made me think of him.  Love ya babe. <3

Minus 1 ♥

(Erin Lundy Photography)

   Better late than never.  We got these pictures done in late October while my husband was underway.  I was referred to this photographer by an old schoolmate.  She did a wonderful job.  And although I just recently got to ordering them, they made for a GREAT addition to my husbands care package.  He loved them!!  Thank you Erin.  I know that we will be booking you when my husband returns!  And be sure to check out her photoblog.<3 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 'End' Literature

   The new thing we picked up, when my husband left, was Sunday night literature.  We decided to check out our nearest library and get new library cards for the kids.  My children loved the idea.  They get their very own library card, and love the freedom of picking out their own books and movies.  And to top it off, its all free!  Tonight's books include:

Adrianna's pick:

Gavin's pick:


  As a child I never fully apprehended or, for that matter, never really noticed all that my mother was burdened with during my father's deployments.
              Until now......

  Although my significant other has only been away for a little over a week, I can already feel my load piling high.  Its Sunday (laundry day), and already I'm starting out this morning defrosting my damn washing machine.  Yes, It is frozen in my garage, and I was told to just place the space heater infront of it for a couple of hours.  We woke up way to late to attend Church, and as I type, I'm listening to what was suppose to be pitter-patter of little feet, but instead, it sounds like bombs over Baghdad upstairs!  To put it plainly, for the first time ever, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

   But I refuse to let this deployment get to me.  How much could this actually affect us.  The kids, although this is they're first deployment, are pretty much use to dad being away.  His job requires him to work a lot, come home late, and be in and out of port often.  But why is it that the actual word DEPLOYMENT makes everything turn haywire?!

   Already I've received notice that my son is not my son when he is in school.  He has an alter-ego.  And I do believe that he is having fun with his partner in crime.  He is lying, TALKING, and is being disrespectful to all authority in school.  I haven't met this alter-ego in person, but I think that Gavin is smart enough not to introduce me to him.  Luckily, the principal made me aware of a group that meets during lunch on Mondays.  The group is for children of deployed parents, and I do hope that this will help my son express his feelings more.
   My youngest, is not anymore of a diva than she was already born to be.  She is my little sidekick.  However, I do wish she would stop asking if we are going to pick up daddy everytime we get in the car.

   The only outlet to all this stress is excercise!!  It not only makes my day go by faster, but it makes me feel good, and somewhat euphoric after a long run. I'm in my own world when I blast them ipod tunes in my ear, and just go. 

   So as a recommendation to those going through this deployment with me, just take everything day by day.  Get out of the house and run free for a couple of hours of the day.  And remember that as you may feel slightly overwhelmed at times, it only makes for a more glorious homecoming. The day when you can finally run and hold him.....
   Then quickly hand over the kids and say welcome home as you drive to your nearest extravagant spa! <3

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Friday!! And Happy 1 Week Down!!

Well, not many of you guys know this. But in my house, we've got 'Happy Friday'. Which is basically us starting out the day with some ipod tunes, and some dancing in the kitchen, while we get breakfast and lunches ready for school. As a child I remember teaching my sisters, and sometimes, even my brother some impressive moves. As I don't particularly recommend this type of language to all parents...with a sailor living in my house, my kids are somewhat use to the language. But, Cee-Lo puts a happy tune to the word!! And, I must say it is a favorite in the house because it just gets us up and dancing! And YES...we do dance!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 1 of Surviving...

Thank you Jenny for the idea.

     So day 1 of this deployment couldn't of started out any 'crappier'.
Our first morning without my husband, pretty much, started out like any other weekday.  I was up at 7:20 waking up my son, Gavin, and getting him started on his normal morning routine.  As I started the shower, I noticed a weird odor coming from him.  I asked him if he had wet the bed. (My son is 7.)  He said, "no."  And as I saw him pull his 'chonies' down...I noticed a big wet poo-poo blob in them!  UGH! I flipped out and yelled at him to sit on the toilet and finish pooping.  I was very tired this particular morning, so I decided to get back in my bed, and wait for him to be done with his shower.
      A few minutes later I heard the toilet flush twice, and he said he was getting into the shower.  So I screamed for him to make sure he washed up good.  I heard the shower turn off after 12 minutes, and decide to get up myself.
      When I get up to go to the bathroom, it was a HOT MESS!!  And the 'dirty' toilet bowl water is at the brim.  I try to unclog it, but nothing budges.  I yell for him, and make sure that he didn't flush his navy blue undies in the toilet.  And he swears he didn't.  Could his poop really be that big?!  As Gavin continues to do his normal morning routine, I'm in my elbows with a nauseating odor swirling all around me.  I swear I worked my arms out with that damn plunger.

    So after Gavin is gone, I'm exhausted!  Its already 9am by the time I decide to take a break.  What is a girl like me suppose to do in this situation??!....
     So, of course, I GOOGLED it!  "How to Unclog a Toilet without a Plunger".  And it brings me to this funny-ass video on YouTube! This young, asian college student had been in the 'same' situation.  Her video had me cracking up, and agreeing with her all at once!  And in the conslusion of her video, she recommends using dish soap and hot water.  *She swears it works.*  So I might as well give it a try...what do I have to lose?!

    Ancient Chinese Seceret, huh?!  It took a few flushes, but damn, that was a life saver.  By that time, it was 10:30 and I was in desperate need of a shower!!
    So I desperately wanted to visit my favorite store...Target.  And I knew that I couldn't make it there and back in time to pick up Gavin from school, so I decided to pick him up early.  On our way to Target I decided to ask Gavin about this morning.  He had already informed me that he had a great day at school, and even got a green sticker for good behavior.  So I say, "What's up with you? What happened to you this morning?"  He, of course, looks at me with this blank stare.
     I said, "Did you diarrhea?"
     He said, "No.  I don't know."
     "Well did you feel like you had to poop?"
     "So you just farted, and shit came out??!!"
     He says, "yes. I guess."
      "So you SHARTED!!"
    We all started to bust out in crazy laughter.  But hell, thats what son sharted.  And as we drove away from the school, I could only think about my deployed husband.  Knowing that with his sense of humor, he would of been having a laugh at the first day I had without him as well.  <3 u.  
