Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Friday! Another Week Down ♥

  Okay.  Now are we the only ones break dancing to this song right now?? Seriously, as I type, the kids are rolling around on the floor to this song.  Not to mention, this is the song that makes my baby girl's "ballet shoes feel happy", and a new tune I'm running to in the gym.
   Tonight's agenda will be a great one, being so close to payday, we are running a little low on cash.  So as a prior recommendation to other military mommies in the same boat, we hit up our local library. And decided to have a wonderful family movie night with popcorn and pjs, and it only cost me $1.00.  We checked out two great movies: 

Adrianna's pick (and a new  movie to us.):
And,of course, Gavin's pick...(which we decided to add a $1.00 bag of gummy worms to):
   Hope you all have a great weekend. <3

1 comment:

  1. Hope you guys have a good weekend too!

    P.S. great budget friendly recommendation!

