Thursday, January 27, 2011

♥Monster Mama♥

     Another thing I would recommend to parents during deployments are play dates!! They are always fun, and they keep your kids occupied while you are doing things around the house.

    Today is our scheduled play date with our good little friend, Grace.  Grace comes to visit us on the Tuesday and Thursdays while her mother takes a course at the local college.  For months my daughter had been complaining that she needed friends.  So when my friend was in a bind for a sitter, I quickly jumped for the opportunity to unite my daughter with her very first friend.

    Things went wonderfully the first few visits, but recently Adrianna has turned up her diva mode...just a notch.

   We welcomed Grace with open arms as usual, and decided that we would make today a tea party day.  So we brought down the dress up trunk and began to doll ourselves up with make up and pretty accessories.  Grace dressed as Tinkerbell, and after what seemed to be the longest decision ever made, my daughter chose to pair  her elegant turquoise dress with her dazzling, pink, fuzzy high heels.

   The party was  going great, until I decided to add cookies!  These particular cookies had cute little Valentine pictures and quotes, which, of course, caused them to argue over the 'Puppy Love' one.  Yes, one.  It just so happened it was the last cookie in the bunch with the cute little puppy. Ugh. Naturally, I explained to my daughter to be a good host and give it to our guest.  But I never expected her to flip a lid! 

    She cried, and began to stomp her pretty pink heels.  And at that moment they had not looked as foofy as they did  just two minutes before.  Normally I'd just give her "the look" and she would quickly return to normal.  You know "the look"?  (The one your mother use to give you, as a warning, before she decided to smack you into the next week.)  But as smart as my daughter is, she just knew that I would NEVER do anything like that in front of a guest.  So she continued with her tantrum.
After a quick talking to, I explained to her how attitudes like that will cause her to lose friends.  She continued to cry.  Instead, I decided to take her out of the situation, and send her to her room, so that she could pull herself together.    She did.  
    When she returned to the tea party, I was surprised to see her dressed from head to toe in her BATGIRL costume.  She decided to rejoin Grace with some tea and cookies, and they began to speak of princesses, crowns, and pretty shoes.  Things turned for the better from there, and Grace left happy from our home once again.

   Afterwards, Adrianna began to take her mask and cape off.  It was then that I asked her why she didn't dress as a princess like Grace had.  She so innocently replied...
   "Because Batman fights the mean, bad, monsters ALL the time."  I went on to say, "Oh. Well, there are no mean, bad monsters in this house."  She says, "I know."  Then as she turns to walk up the stairs with her costume in hand she mumbles, "Well, you know mom, when you get mad at me you look like you have a mean dragon face."

  After that...the outfit made sense. <3  

        <3 <3

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